Getting Started

An introduction to using AInspector for Firefox browser add on for web accessibility evaluation.  A list of the current rules can be found in Functional Accessibility Evaluator.

How does AInspector for Firefox work?

When AInspector is loaded into the sidebar panel of Firefox, it automatically evaluates the current page and each subsequent page that you load into the content area of the browser.

When you open new tabs or windows the sidebar stays open. If you have AInspector open in more than one window, closing it in one of the windows does not effect the sidebar in any other windows.

When AInspector Sidebar is closed, it becomes inactive, and no evaluations are performed.

Launching the  AInspector for Firefox

There are three methods for opening and closing AInspector in the current browser tab:

  • Click the ‘AI’ button in the Firefox toolbar
  • Use the Toggle sidebar keyboard shortcut: Win: ctrl+shift+u / Mac: cmd+shift+u
  • From the Firefox main menu, choose View : Sidebar : AInspector

Note: When you first install AInspector, the ‘AI’ toolbar button is placed in the navigation toolbar of Firefox. If you have many buttons there already, it may not be immediately apparent or even visible.

To reposition or remove the button from the toolbar, choose View : Toolbars : Customize…

Preferences dialog

The Preferences dialog contains important settings for evaluation options, exporting evaluation results and enabling keyboard shortcuts.

Ruleset Options

  • Ruleset Options:
    WCAG 2.0 rules
    WCAG 2.1 rules
    WCAG 2.2 rules
    First Step rules
  • Choose success criteria level A or AA.
  • Filter results by rules with page or website scope.
  • Choose ARIA 1.2 or ARIA 1.3 requirements.

General Options

  • Choose to Include Pass and Not Applicable (N/A) results in Rule Result and Element Result views.
  • Choose to enable a timed delay when activating the Rerun Evaluation button.
  • Choose to include WCAG Guidleine options in the Views menu.

Export Options

  • Prompt for export options.
  • File format (e.g. CSV or JSON).
  • File naming options.

Keyboard shortcuts

Toggle sidebar (always enabled)
Win: ctrl+shift+u / Mac: cmd+shift+u

Optional keyboard shortcuts

Optionally the following additional keyboard shortcuts can also be enabled:

Back one level
Win / Mac: backspace / Delete
Open Views menu
Win / Mac: v
Export Report
Win / Mac: x
Re-run Evaluation
Win / Mac: r

NOTE: Single character keyboard shortcuts can be customized.